According to Danish scientists, it is necessary to develop comprehensive rescue programs for the Baltic Sea, but in order for it to be effective, it is necessary for all countries to cooperate to reduce emissions of substances used in agriculture, as well as reduce furan and dioxin emissions into the atmosphere caused by the industry, which in the form of acid rain supply the waters of the Baltic Sea. It must be done before it's too late. Such processes take place in other water bodies and the effect will be similar.
Such a blessing in disguise is mentioned before low salinity and quite cold bottom waters because only such a climate protects us from unsealing of capsules with combat gases sunk after World War II, which are still deadly dangerous.
They are located at various depths with varying degrees of corrosion. This is a ticking time bomb with delayed ignition. If all the countries of the Baltic Sea basin do not do anything together about this real threat, the effects of such an indolence may resemble Armageddon.
When the capsules begin to leak, the change in the pH of bottom waters will make the environment more corrosive, which will cause faster corrosion of the containers, which will result in an avalanche of leakages. Oily substances will float on the surface and when exposed to the sun, will poison ever larger areas with the breeze. An area of up to a hundred kilometres inland will not be suitable for long periods of settling, and the beautiful coastal areas will resemble those well known to us from the times of Chernobyl. There is not much time left. The degradation process of this basin has already begun. The Baltic Sea is not the only reservoir. Everywhere where there were military operations, equally dangerous chemicals in the form of fighting gases were abandoned, and pretending that they do not exist is avoiding responsibility and leaving the problem unresolved.
According to the Baltic Sea countries, specialists have stated that the Baltic Sea is in serious danger. It is threatened with hypoxia. This means the extinction of many species of animals and plants. The main culprit today is agriculture waste getting into the tributary rivers. The process of so-called deoxygenation is, according to specialists, caused by nitrates, sulphides, and definitely impurities from toxic chimney fumes that cause so-called acid rain that flows to the Baltic Sea from nearby rivers. This ecological bomb is caused by the change in pH.
The reasons for acidification of the soil are seen in ill-conceived industrial activities, which contributes to the increase in the concentration of acidic SOx and NOx oxides in the air, which are the cause of the formation of these acid rains.
The consequence of this is the decatising process associated with the elimination of lime compounds leading to the acidification of soils. Hypoxia adversely affects the marine ecosystem and causes the formation of so-called dead zones, i.e. places that are no longer able to support life.
The Baltic Sea itself as the internal sea does not have such a large exchange with the Ocean and that is why it is less saline and less oxygenated than the Oceans, which is why chemicals significantly deepen the existing problems. Most deepwater areas are already vulnerable to hypoxia. Just because of the difference in salt concentration. This leads to the formation of layers of water, and even if the wind oxygenates the surface layers of the basin, this water is not able to reach the greater depths.
For the fact that a lagoon with a geomembrane will be built not far away. What happens to the places where there was a lagoon and now are suitable only for reclamation? Nothing. They are being filled up. This is not a problem of these companies. It is the lack of law enforcement that gives such freedom - the criminal law. Large plants from Western Europe are trying to bypass the law by appointing companies that are so-called intermediaries in the trade of toxic sludge and hazardous waste from chemical plants, which are to be deposited on inactive landfills. This practice continues, and the companies are invigilating border villages, urging their Commune Heads and Administrators to cooperate with them for little financial gain. Of course, the decision is made by the entire City Council. The regulations on waste and lagoons seem to be highly ineffective. At any time, we can observe the action that is, after all, in accordance with EU law.
This has become a pretext for undertaking work on technology and with a satisfactory result. Its implementation in the market will put an end to practices practised in the waste segment once and for all, making it possible for us to leave the environment for which we now care in better condition than the one we have found. That is why today we can face the challenges of such a difficult market as the waste market in which nothing can be done. The view that the only option is to bury the problem and leave for future generations becomes the thing of the past. Today we present the technology on the basis of which the NET Solutions project for Mafanikio S.A. was created. The implementation of the installation is able to solve any problem of hazardous waste and various matter that arose as a result of human activities.
It is a curious idea of the legislators to allow the delineation of lagoons as part of the municipal waste treatment process in the industrial space. This is not a recycling process. It is only a process of storing subscreen fraction ground into smaller fractions, mixed with the soil, and stored in the dug-out lagoons covered with a membrane. Its safe chemical degradation takes 100 - 1000 years. Is this a solution? NO! This is the use of naming for the purpose of extorting money. We can consider whether the storage in sarcophagi is utilization. The dictionary clearly defines the position of the meaning of this word. But it is the word that opens the door to the possibility of extorting money from the system. It is obvious that if we can not burn, and in the recycling process we have done everything, we will not eat the rest. It is necessary to secure the waste in such sarcophagi, however, without an adjective “disposed.” Just because someone decided to use such an adjective to call such a process.
What are the threats caused by lagoons and illegal dumps discovered time and again by journalists, somewhere in the forest; or storage of sludge, sewage sludge. The same beautiful green grass will grow over the surface of such a lagoon. What is the way to develop such a land? It should be noted that the membrane that the lagoon is covered with is an impermeable insulation, for chemicals oils and pesticides. But few people know that it is not a barrier for rodents. Do we still have control over it ...? Can we be sure that rainwater will not penetrate through the lagoon? And if it finds an outlet, can we be sure that it will not penetrate the soil and as a wash from the whole mass of dangerous compounds in the waste will not poison this environment? To this question, the creators of Lagoons, the so-called “technology” for recycling, have no answer. Legally, everything is all right. The EU institutions are transferring large sums of money to make this procedure possible. The companies receive hundreds of millions of USD for the mere covering of the Lagoon that does yet not have a Geomembrane.
Medical waste arises in connection with the provision of health services and the conduct of research and scientific experience in the field of medicine. Unfortunately, illegal business is flourishing. This means that in various places, not only on landfills, we find abandoned bags with waste. In forests, in abandoned warehouses and everywhere where there is general access of people and animals. This creates the danger of spreading bacterial diseases and viruses. The Waste Act, which will come into force in July 2018, imposes on the waste producer the responsibility for the method of utilization and maybe such solidarity will force the owners of waste to take responsibility for the selection of the company and whether the price is decisive for its selection. Medical wastes with codes 18 01 02*, 18 01 03*, 18 01 80* and 18 01 82*, referred to as 'infectious wastes', contain live micro-organisms or their toxins of which it is known or for which there are reliable grounds for accepting that cause infectious diseases in humans or other living organisms.
Medical wastes with codes 18 01 06*, 18 01 08* and 18 01 10*, called 'special wastes' contain chemicals known or reliably believed to cause non-communicable diseases in humans or other living organisms or may be a source of environmental contamination. According to the ordinance of the Minister of Environment of September 27, 2001, body parts and organs as well as containers for blood and preservatives used for its storage, other wastes that contain live pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins and other forms capable of transferring genetic material of which it is known or for which there are reliable grounds for believing that they cause diseases in humans and animals (eg. infected nappies, pads, sleepers), chemicals - including chemical reagents containing dangerous substances, cytotoxic and cytostatic drugs, dental amalgam waste, used biologically active baths with infectious properties and food residues from patients in infectious wards that are left unattended can lead to an epidemic whose source is difficult to detect.
The medical waste collection market is a lucrative occupation - with turnover estimated only in Poland for the amount of PLN 150 million. However, the future of waste is at least as important. The law in this matter is precise, medical waste must stay in the form in which it was taken away until... Well, that's the problem. Is COMBUSTION a form of safe disposal? Has anybody asked themselves what is happens to ash waste? What filters would have to be used on the chimney of the installation to effectively capture not only volatile dust but extremely dangerous fumes? Companies that win tenders and secure thousands of tons for carrying out these procedures earn a fortune while doing this. Every year in Poland, about 50,000 Tm of medical waste is generated in hospitals, clinics, dentists' offices and beauty salons, such as syringes, gloves, used dressings as well as post-surgery materials such as parts of human bodies, carriers of dangerous bacteria and viruses, and residues from laboratory tests.
According to the regulations, this ecological bomb can be disarmed only in one way through utilization in adapted chimneyless and waste-free installations and the waste can be stored in suitable conditions before disposal. In practice, however, it looks different - approx. 25% is not destroyed in accordance with the Act. Regulations are one thing and reality the other, which is demonstrated by the cases of pending proceedings in the Prosecutor's Office against companies in this industry. Shipments with waste go to the ramp and after grinding lay in the plant's hall until it is transported to the landfill. This procedure has been going on for several years. The shredded mass is loaded into containers and usually, in the morning, the trucks leave the plants directly to landfills. Certainly, it is an industry in which one should be responsible because its subject matter concerns directly our safety and health. We are talking about disposing of medical, infectious and dangerous waste.
WHO publishes annual reports on the harmfulness of emissions and the sources of their creation. We can clearly state that what has been called granulate with increased calorific value and originating from sludge refinement is a co-cause for the formation of smog in agglomerations, and certainly, such pseudo-technologies contribute to environmental and climate pollution, and that is why its use should be banned. And that is why companies dealing with this subject will never meet the challenges imposed by the legislator and ignoring them by avoiding regulations and clever nomenclature such as "Smokeless Burning", or mixing with sewage sludge to produce anthropogenic soil, earn a lot of money. Such unfair practises and poisoning of the environment and people should be PENALIZED. The biggest misunderstanding is among people from the world of science.
The waste is “deposited” on over a thousand hectares of the lake to which there is no access and a few kilometres before the zone is a sign notifying that you enter it with your own responsibility. A catastrophe happened there once. And there is only one question we can ask ourselves. When will it happen again? What is the mine doing? What is it waiting for? We have the technology for the safe disposal of such waste. What does it mean? It is a chimneyless and non-waste installation that was created for such a mission. It can separate various metals contained in post-mining silts and sludges, and vitrificate all minerals and quartz contained in this stream of waste into basalt-like slag devoid of all heavy metals and dangerous compounds. Suitable for road ballasts and in various branches of construction with a designation according to the waste code as the PRODUCT obtained.
Problems related to the management of mining sludge can be multiplied, but we propose good solutions. We offer technology, the implementation of which will find practical application and will contribute to improving not only air quality but also the environment and our health. Our goal is to implement an effective and currently the only technology in the world through which we get rid of problems associated with post-excavation waste. Reproduction by various companies and their concepts of getting rid of mining sludge with a greater or lesser calorific value seem like a cry to heaven. Improving transportability through granulation and quality by adding binders is not and will never have an impact on improving quality. It is through greed and lack of appropriate technology that we are forced to accept smog. What is it then? How does it affect our organisms and the environment? If these “sorcery tricks” are available to people who use these refined afterburners in the form of sludges in their grate stoves, and this happens in large household areas, we should not be surprised that we have smog. This is the result of an economic exploitation in which leading companies bypass the law with the help from other institutes.
Post-excavation waste is and will be a waste. And that's how it should be treated. The companies dealing with this process only perform services. And we should pay careful attention to this process because then they are not owners of waste but only act in agreement with the owners of the mines. What happens to heavy metals and toxic elements? Granulating companies give certificates ... There is only one question. Has anyone examined the ashes and at least once examined the chimney fumes from the furnaces where the granules are burnt? We have physical and chemical tests of such sludges and we know what we are dealing with. Companies that only pull the wool over our eyes, apparently DO NOT KNOW or do not want to know. There are many publications on the oxidation of elements and various chemical compounds in combustion technology.
As a result of soil degradation, there is a decrease in crop yield as the soil has a very high ability to absorb trace elements. Among the most common and most dangerous for us, humans are mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, nickel as well as fluorine, copper and zinc. Tetraethyl lead, Pb tetraethyl lead (C2H5) 4, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons. All of them accumulate in the soil, they get into the plants and then into animal organisms because the highest concentration of these elements is recorded near roads. In humans, all these elements cause havoc in the body that manifests itself through anaemia, multiple sclerosis, damage to the nervous system and also promotes the formation of tumours of internal organs. Nitrogen oxides in the soil form carcinogenic nitrosamines. Dust, heavy metals, mineral substances, hydrocarbons, sludge and lyes washed by rain directly into the soil. The place of occurrence is around industrial plants, especially steel mills, cement plants, power plants, traditional chemical and petrochemical plants as well as industrial waste dumps and landfills.
Airborne dust settles on the soil within a radius of several kilometres from the plant that emits it. By depositing on the surface of the soil they cause changes in pH, macro content and microelements as well as soil structure. Heavy metals in the soil get into the plant tissues and then along with food into human and animal organisms which are the cause of many serious and irreversible diseases.
The aforementioned products produced from ill-considered human activity, binding various structures of matter occurring in nature, produce compounds of great chemical destruction for all living organisms occurring in the vicinity of their storage. These are wastes with particularly strong volatile compounds. The treatment with well-known technologies for thermal processing will lead to hundreds of tons of chemically hazardous ashes, as well as the spread of toxic waste emissions through the chimney to a huge area, changing the characteristics of fauna and flora.
The problem of environmental pollution is as old as the world itself. Already in antiquity, there were regulations regarding waste utilization as well as the location of, for example, tanneries polluting not only the air. The real junk revolution has come along with the development of the industry. Currently, it is estimated that every third Pole lives in the area of ecological danger! The progressing degradation of the environment may, in extreme cases, lead to the disappearance of higher forms of biological life. The problems of the natural environment are at the moment subject of general interest and universal concern. They are not only dealt with by scientists but also by national governments, international organizations and numerous associations. The purpose of their work is to determine the extent of the destruction, its source, determine the way to reduce pollution causing special damage in nature and to develop methods to neutralize harmful substances. Unfortunately, the governments of individual states, organizations and associations are HELPLESS.
Lack of enforcement of the policy and its ineffectiveness cause that the worst polluters poison us and our environment for our own money. The lithosphere is formed by different geological formations and soil types in which various biological, chemical and physical processes take place. The correct course of these processes determines the efficiency of crop yields. Soil contamination is caused by a wide variety of factors: insecticides and herbicides, fertilizers, chemicals commonly used for seed treatment also containing components that are harmful in greater amounts, such as copper compounds, industrial waste, acid rain, which acidify the soil with heavy metals, most commonly lead, and wastewater directed directly to watercourses. In Poland, from the general acreage of agricultural land, about 21% should be considered as contaminated areas. These are areas of high concentration of industry, located along busy communication routes and urban agglomerations (smog).
The scientific community agrees on the issue of stopping the combustion of lignite as soon as possible in all energy units, because chemical compounds together with elements contained in brown coal produce during the combustion process so harmful volatile substances in the form of furans, dioxins, PM10 and PM2.5 that no exhaust cleaning is able to free the environment from toxic fumes. Only the ash remains with the content of heavy metals that during the oxidation process make it a toxic waste. For the presented problem there is no effective way to eliminate it because the pseudo installations and their solutions concerning, for example, fly ashes mixed with sewage sludge are not only an avoidance of the problem but an obvious fraud. Fly ash from lignite combustion is thus a serious ecological problem. It has the form of a fine mineral dust of grey or brown colour, which is mainly composed of silicon oxides; besides it contains many trace elements and shows a small proportion of unburnt carbon.
The components of the smoke dust are mainly oxides - SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO, Na2O, K2O and TiO2. Dust also contain trace amounts of such elements as Ba, Cu, Sr, Ni, Cr, Zn, Cd, Mo, V, Se, Pb, As and others. The fly ash from the combustion of lignite contains the particles, from small SiO2, through medium-sized conglomerates - spherical Si-Al bodies containing Na-Ca-K-Mg, to large heterogeneous particles made of glassy conglomerates containing Na, K, Ca and Fe. They also contain medium and small flattened iron-rich particles composed of polycrystalline aggregates of metallic iron and Fe (Ti) oxides (magnetite, hematite, ilmenite). Fly ashes, depending on the share of the main components, are divided into silicate ashes, aluminium ashes, and calcium ashes.
Powerlessness should be called the method of using fly ash from lignite combustion in the sludge management. Chimney dust from lignite combustion, otherwise known as fly ash, are used, among others, for the stabilization of sewage sludge. The profit from this practice is the simultaneous use of two solid waste - a reduction of costs related to the storage of ashes and sludge hygienization. According to the authors of these absurd solutions, such ashes have a positive effect on plant production because it does not cause unfavourable changes in the growth of plants or their composition. This is in conflict with the legislator and all legal acts regarding environmental protection.
PM10 - a mixture of organic and inorganic molecules suspended in air containing particles with a diameter of fewer than 10 micrometres, that reach the upper respiratory tract and lungs. The permissible level is 50 μg/m3. The maximum emission is 35 days a year. Critical level 200 μg/m3/year
PM 2.5 dusts cause coughing, difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath - especially during physical effort. PM 2.5 dusts are particles with a diameter of fewer than 2.5 microns, which can reach the upper airways of the lungs and penetrate into the blood. The target annual average value is 25 μg/m3. Tolerance of 27 μg/m3. These dust contribute to the threat of respiratory infections and exacerbation of symptoms of allergic diseases, e.g. asthma, hay fever, conjunctivitis. The severity of symptoms depends to a large extent on the concentration of dust in the air. New data shows the negative impact of inhaled dust on the health of pregnant women and the developing fetus (low birth weight, fetal malformations, complications of the course of pregnancy)
Unfortunately, the technologies we currently know are not able to deal with this toxic matter, which results in the legislators adjusting statutory solutions despite what serves to protect the environment and climate. Such an example is the act from a few years ago, which allowed the introduction of sewage sludge into the agricultural sector. After two years in the grain seeds and perennials, there were detected heavy metals, which resulted in the limitation of this law only to the energy segment, ie. supplying the soil with sewage sludge for energy willow. Such a practice distorts all scientific research because if in the grain seeds and perennials supplied with sludge from sewage sludge there are heavy metals, then energy willow will also contain heavy metals and the mass used for co-firing will emit toxic and dangerous to humans, environment and climate emissions of furans and dioxins.
Another absurdity is allowing sewage sludge to be dried, enriching it with minerals, granulation and sales in the horticulture sector, because not isolated heavy metals will collect their harvest by poisoning people and animals, poisoning groundwater without any consequences for those who invented this practice. We struggle with the effect of civilization having a dilemma whether to store them buried in lagoons or to dry and burn them (drying 1 Tm, ie. about PLN 27)
taking into account the utilization of wastes from this process for which there is no effective solution. The proposed installation described in the N.E.T. Solutions project solves the problem of wet sewage sludge without the need for drying, it eliminates the lagoon created in the waste-free method as a mobile solution to the problem.
For years, this has been a market segment, struggling with the problem of sewage sludge management. The main purpose of wastewater treatment is the protection of surface water. The wastewater treatment process consists of many individual methods that take place on different objects and in different devices. The most important processes include suspension sedimentation, sorption, chemical oxidation, biological oxidation, mineralization of organic matter. Products from these processes make up for sewage sludge and cannot be used in the agriculture, energy (combustion) sectors, as well as for energy willow (co-firing) and other plants intended for this purpose.
Sewage sludge - organic and mineral matter separated from wastewater during treatment. In the light of limitations related to the natural management of municipal sewage sludge resulting from legal regulations and the lack of potential areas for their possible application, thermal utilization of sludge is a sector of growing interest.
The methods of thermal neutralization of sludge include combustion, co-firing and so-called alternative methods. The introduction of such thermal treatment of sludge is not environmentally friendly because combustion and co-combustion of this matter leave toxic smoke emission and toxic ashes without any idea for their development. Unfortunately, currently known technologies cannot deal with the management of this toxic matter, the legislators adopt statutory solutions contrary to what serves to protect the environment and climate. Such an example is the act from a few years ago, which allowed the introduction of sewage sludge into the agricultural sector. After two years, in grain seeds and perennials were detected heavy metals, which resulted in the limitation of this law to the energy only sector, ie. supplying the soil with sewage sludge of the energetic willow.
The main problem of all landfills is the lack of effective protection against environmental poisoning. Poisoning takes place by emitting directly into the atmosphere the fumes of substances contained within. Soil contamination is associated with the introduction into watercourses by the seepage of rainwater through waste at the landfill directly to the ground. Decaying processes taking place inside and elevated temperature is a favourable environment for fungi, insects, which in the immediate vicinity of our homes are the cause of many dangerous diseases. From the research conducted by the WHO (World Health Organization) over a dozen of years, there has been an increase in cases of diseases that have been classified as having an unidentified and unknown to today's medicine factor in the form of a mutation of pathogens in diseases, which result in an increasing number of unknown diagnoses of the cause of death.
WHO beats the alarm because landfills with an unidentified stream of waste within 15 years have come closer to our homes. The growing agglomerations face a huge problem of a pandemic that could threaten our lives. Governments are trying to oppose the spread of the pandemic, but these are usually ad hoc activities, often inadequate. This is related, for example, to financial outlays and the impossibility of stopping people's migration. In the so-called third world, in the absence of medical control, the spread of mutated pathogens of the disease can bring unimaginable effects. Waters and watercourses polluted by landfills and fed by percolating rainwater endanger the population of highly developed countries to the same extent.
The aforementioned fumes of harmful gases, as well as CO2 and intensifying migration to highly developed countries, can cause unimaginable effects in terms of diagnosis and effective treatment. It should be noted that pathogens refer to bacteria and viruses.
Before joining the European Union, in Poland as in many other countries around the world, landfills were something normal and acceptable. In time, when energy companies noticed the potential in segregated waste, which legislators described as PRE RDF, the devastation, poisoning of the environment and climate by all countries struggling with landfill problems has begun. The method of incineration of municipal and sorted waste has become the most popular practice of getting rid of the problem. It was called thermal transformation of waste which resulted in the improper disposal of money by the EU, and various funds, which invested in these methods were many times misled because the described method did not show any effects, its harmful emissions and toxic ash result in greater environmental pollution and adversely affect the climate.
Any known method of thermal transformation has only a financial goal, which efficiently described in business plans gives a golden key to obtain financing from various institutions, which mostly do not know the method indicated in them, because the financial result only needs to match the final accounting result.
The President of the Republic of Poland - Andrzej Duda has signed an amendment to the Environmental Protection Law (a regulation of July 23, 2015 amending the Act), which aims to provide a high level of protection for people and the environment by implementing appropriate systems and procedures to manage and control hazards associated with hazardous substances. The amendment to the Act, signed by the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda will place the responsibility on the producers of waste (owners) and it will make them responsible for effective disposal of the waste they produce or manage.
Toxicity of carbon dioxide and its impact on humans
Concentration limits:
0.04% - Natural concentration in the atmospheric air,
2.0% - Acceleration of breath by 50%, difficulty in breathing, weakness of the nervous system, visual impairment
3.0% - The maximum exposure time is 10 minutes. 100% increase in breathing speed, fatigue and tinnitus
5.0% - Breathing acceleration by 300%, nausea and headaches may occur after about 1 hour of exposure (the range still tolerated by most people), higher values may result in a renal mass, lung cancer, heart disease and bone disease including pain and arthritis.
8.0% - Limit of short-term exposure - dizziness.
8.0-10% - Headaches after about 10-15 minutes, tearing eyes, increased blood pressure, high pulse, agitation, nausea, in less resistant people - cause death.
10-18% - After a few minutes, tingling, shock, sudden pressure spikes.
18, -20% -Symptoms similar to apoplexy.
Vaquez disease is characterized by a very high, significantly exceeding norms of erythrocytes, haemoglobin and a significant increase in blood volume. Probably due to a genetic mutation, the hematopoietic system of the bone marrow grows excessively, which in turn leads to heart disorder, hypertension. At the same time, it significantly increases blood clotting and increases the risk of clots. The disease can develop in any age, however, it is most often diagnosed in older people.
In ill people, it can be symptomless even for years.
In the process of thermal treatment of waste mixed with PRE RDF to improve energy efficiency, which takes place in incinerators, cement plants and in CHP plants. Currently used technologies emit toxins, volatile PM 10 particles, PM 2.5, also called the smog aerosol, which can penetrate directly into the blood, NOx, dioxins and furans directly into the environment as one of the greatest poisons of our civilization. In the process of traditional combustion or co-combustion, where solid fuels are burned with plastics, rubber, etc., emissions increase more than 100 times, producing toxic and chemically contaminated ashes without any idea for further and effective disposal.
Very often in cement plants, the ashes are mixed with cement, ignoring all the consequences of the harmfulness of this ill practice to humans. The only way, or rather practice, which is used by the producers of toxic ashes is mixing it with concrete and, as caps moulded in the lead, they end up in inactive tunnels. Such practices are also common among some of the plasma incinerators in Western Europe, considered so far as the cleanest waste disposal technology. The process of traditional coal combustion or co-combustion with widely available coal sludges from sedimentation tanks produces a widely demonstrated smog, and co-combustion with biomass also burns RDF plastics (rubber, plastics, PPE and PE and uncontrolled in this area PVC ) etc. Permissible norms are not respected and in many cases, the emission is being understated by over a hundred times. As a result, chimney fumes, as well as toxic and chemically contaminated ashes are produced by heat plants, combined heat and power plants, as well as cement plants without any idea for further and effective disposal.
( N.E.T Solutions )
Wasteless utilization of hazardous and toxic structures of matter
The N.E.T. Solutions project with the use of innovative technology is in line with the current needs of the market and waste management policy. Requirements that we are already able to meet, expectations that we can already fulfil have brought us to the moment when the application of the discussed technology is a way of meeting the needs of the niche that was created by civilization. That is why it is necessary to immediately develop this area not only for financial profitability but above all in order to meet the expectations of global institutions in the field of environmental and climate protection and also for all of us who make use of it, leaving behind a clean and friendly environment. Time, however, works against us and that is why the goal of N.E.T. Solutions is to lead to the construction of the most modern NON-WASTE INSTALLATION in Poland and around the world for utilization of municipal waste, sewage sludge, toxic ash, heavy metals, mining sludge, medical waste, and receive electric energy in the form of a byproduct, reconditioned rock and colored metals separated from it.
The technologies known to us for thermal treatment of waste have the same disadvantage. They cannot effectively deal with post-process waste such as toxic fly ash, slag and chimney emissions in the form of toxic fumes containing Dioxins and Furans. Waste improperly transformed by the thermal method brings worse results for the Environment and Climate as their storage. The discussed technology on the basis of which the world's first innovative, chimneyless and waste-free installation was constructed, which is the only one to eliminate all the disadvantages of the methods known to us, which are:
Research and observations have shown that in certain limit temperatures and in a specifically induced chemical environment in our installation, the processed organic matter occurs in the form of diatomic simple chemical compounds containing mainly carbon dioxide and hydrogen molecules, while ceramic elements are in the molten state. Under these conditions, the waste utilization process is carried out in an environmentally-friendly manner and in accordance with the nomenclature of the word. The technology used, unlike the current combustion methods, does not consume oxygen from the air, because it is the result of the molecular decay of the factors contained in municipal waste with hydrated sewage sludge (applies to any matter). This eliminates NOx emissions practically to zero because the process does not involve nitrogen from the air, but only nitrogen from the contents of sewage sludge.
Destruction of toxic matter in nanotechnology
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Jeremy Irons
The phenomenon of this technology is obtaining energy not only from organic substances contained in municipal waste and sewage sludge but also from water contained in them. The decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen and, above all, its stabilization makes the technology the most energy-efficient among currently known and used methods. Destruction of matter - sewage sludge, toxic ash, heavy metals, mining mud, medical waste, expired war gases, effective reduction of materials irradiated in Poland, Europe and around the world.
We present an innovative method of destroying all kinds of organic waste, municipal waste, sewage and hazardous waste, such as: outdated pesticides used for plant protection, paints, varnishes, solvents, resins, lyes, post-production toxins contained in mine silts, expired drugs, post-hospital waste, military waste such as war gases lying in storage or sunken on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Nature has made available to us the original commonly available energy carriers such as coal and hydrogen Currently, our civilization is still living in the coal age. In the scale of the whole world, over 90% of energy is produced from carbon and derivatives available today for humans.
The process presented to you is not a combustion process and is fundamentally different from it, because in the combustion process the most important are: the heating value and the ignition temperature of the fuel (load) the combustion temperature of the batch is naturally determined in a natural way. In the installation described here, the heating value of the transformed waste material nor the temperature of its ignition play any role because we decide on the desired process temperature and then this process is carried out. By adding external factors, such as water, we change the chemistry of the process, which is not possible in the combustion processes, plasma torches or in pyrolysis, where it is not possible to acquire a homogeneous and chemically stable gas because the temperature or the process itself does not create the conditions to achieve this.
Presented to you is the world's first waste-free and chimneyless technology for the destruction of all hazardous and toxic waste, sewage sludge, mine waste in the form of process silts along with the possibility of separation and recovery of precious metals contained therein. This technology primarily eliminates all the defects that occur in other, known to us processes of thermal waste transformation. The technology used in the N.E.T. Solutions project in which we present the implementation method and its use for transforming any matter or its significant reduction in the irradiated waste and process waste are ready for use on an industrial scale. Energy security of Poland, Europe and other countries in the world with comparable resources of minerals and other energy carriers requires ensuring the supply of appropriate energy supplies at reasonable prices while maintaining environmental protection requirements.
Destruction of matter at the molecular level
Synthesis of pure gas from the process of matter decay
Climate change is the beginning of armed conflicts focused on maintaining control over areas rich in resources such as clean water, healthy food, clean air. The correct policy that guarantees peace in the region is effective when the community experiences stability and access to the wealth of the region. Water becomes increasingly such a wealth. The lack of it has a direct impact on the destabilization of a given region, it intensifies social stratification which gives rise to the igniting of conflicts between people and manifests social differences in various aspects of life, and powerlessness increases frustration. Even a skilful policy that guarantees peace in the region is powerless in the face of environmental negligence. Unfortunately, humanity and lack of consistency have led to the fact that the arrogance of the natural environment has deepened over the years and the lack of any cooperation with it has led all of humanity to the end of the path we are taking. We are responsible for all that. It is us that mindlessly support a reckless policy, we accept companies that rob the environment and poison us with our own consent. It is time to say “Check.” Climate consequences at which glaciers melt, the largest freshwater resources disappear and the waters flowing to the oceans have a huge impact on their chemistry and on the orbit of the earth. However, the scientific world is silent. How long are we going to let fool ourselves? Through underestimated parameters of harmful substances in the environment.
Rising waters and more frequent droughts are the sources of conflicts, it influences destabilization in various regions which we are already observing. Lack of food and water, as well as intensifying conflicts, cause a further trend of migration to the north of Europe. Desperate people fall prey to ISIS. Fooled by promises for a better life they accept their conditions. ISIS uses it for its own purposes, which have a strategy to control water because then they can control the entire region. Any such Crisis can affect many economies and become fuel for political gains. Due to climatic and environmental changes, poorer countries will become unpredictable. Social hardships, destabilization and conflicts with neighbours will affect social unrest in various parts of the world. Climate changes are already perceived on an unprecedented scale. They affect the world's markets with poorer resources. Because of drought or flood, they destabilize import markets because of the high prices imposed by rich countries. Such policy caused chaos that resulted in the Arab Spring movement. We have not seen the reasons for several generations - but this is the past. Today, pollution of the environment and climate, which has a huge impact on economies and financial markets, causes reasons for many conflicts. The Maya dynasty did not fall victim to an armed attack, it fell because of the climatic changes that took place at the time, exerting a huge impact on the entire region.
We know everything about climate - but do we? SAHEL region - the region of drought - Migration - Conflict Zone. All this in the agricultural area, which shrinks, which further accelerates the divisions. There are rebellions, which make life difficult for ordinary people. For example, the ECO-System of the CZAD lake has 30 million inhabitants. The surface area of Lake CZAD has shrunk by over 85% in recent years. In South Africa, there is less and less rainfall, which causes an increase in destabilization. This is what rich countries use, and this means that we are on the straight road to Colonialism. Fertile and mineral-rich soils are a good morsel for countries with strong economies, which are most guilty for the fact that such regions are becoming more and more poor. Now, with such an economy, they become owners of lucrative areas because they prefer instability in Africa than self-instability. There are many such regions in the world that are ripped from their riches, often for food of dubious quality. Water and food is the greatest wealth. But when we leave the problems of these people and entire impoverished regions to themselves, the result will be shocking. Unable to cope with these problems, people will behave like their ancestors thinking about mass migration, which can give a new world order as it has already happened in our history. Talking about the great migration of peoples.
Highly industrialized countries, which are responsible for the over-exploitation of minerals, have contributed to the warming of Climate and will suffer at the end. Some scenarios envisage the migration of entire nations which, as a result, will lose their identity. Here, there may be another conflict on the cultural and religious ground. The notions of the Economic Refugee or War Refugee are widely known, but the name of Climate Refugee, which combines both these phenomena, is not common. Culturally, it can be a very dangerous phenomenon. Today we have the chance to heal the schemas drawn up by the specialists and when going against Environmental Protection, we will prove our responsibility, which was taken at the climate summit in Paris. The poverty of regions in Africa and South America forces people to clear rainforests responsible for the climate. “This is a plunder of our heritage,” is being shouted by ecologists, while the governments do not give these people anything in return. Institutions establish National Parks and enclaves while the natives are left with unfulfilled promises. This is one of the reasons for frustration, which contributes to the decision to migrate to other regions of their country, and other regions of the world causing a religious and cultural problem with which now Europe has to deal, catching up with its political neglect, lasting throughout the decades of the 20th century. There is no time for such half-measures. Now, this process should be reversed as soon as possible.
Less and less clean air, less and less uncontaminated land, less clean water causes an increase in social discontent. We already have ready solutions to change this. Now we can realistically, using the knowledge about environmental protection and threats, effectively destroy what has been created by civilization. Waste, toxic emissions, dumps reaching several floors, we have gathered too much of these resources. Effective and waste-free destruction of the residual matter will give us a chance to improve the quality and cleanliness of the environment and the quality of life, thus preventing the build-up of climate problems that we have mentioned here. Healing the economies of highly developed countries, which have contributed the most to climate change, causing neglect in the over-exploitation of other countries left to themselves, without access to technology and only selling them goods made of hardly destructive matter, should demonstrate that they understand their mistakes and changes for the better will be more real than ever before, and maybe it is us today whose purpose is to begin to reverse the process of degradation of the environment and climate on earth, changing today's thinking of humanity - for the next generations.
Non-linear thinking becomes unpredictable because linear thinking has become too conservative. The rate of accumulation of problems has become greater than the rate of solving them. The countries with weapons of mass destruction enter into the dispute more and more intensively. All it takes is a small outburst of chaos and a conflict can become a global affair for all of us. It was our civilization that caused the problems, taken by Governments with a grain of salt. Reversal of this process may be the most difficult in the history of mankind because we are responsible for the environmental poisoning. By poisoning it, we influence our Climate. Now we have to do everything to seek a radical reduction of pollution by repairing the omissions. Energy Independence is the dream of every country. But now it is the only chance to implement alternative sources of energy. Today we have many installations for obtaining energy on the market, but we must make the best choice, one that is outstripping outdated technologies, we must choose an alternative with high energy efficiency working in Cogeneration. We must use the technologies that are already available and which we present here, which can successfully dispose of what our civilization has created and thus give hope for a better future for future generations because we have a long process of returning respect for EARTH, which is our duty to fulfil. In the face of pollution and environmental destruction caused by ill-considered human activity, we owe it to the EARTH because it is our home ...
" Those who have more to lose do the least to prevent it "
Unfortunately, these often used technologies are outdated and do not meet the expectations and level of emissions and energy security. The technology described and proposed by us can undoubtedly be included in the segment of emission-free technology, meeting the requirements of Sustainable Development, adopted at the Climate Summit in Paris, which allows us to effectively compete on all markets, as there is no equivalent which would effectively and safely for the environment utilize all harmful matter coming from ill-considered human activity with the use of Nano-technology, interfering in the breakdown of the structure of matter at the level of individual molecules. With regard to the previous climate summit, countries like Poland are now facing huge challenges and opportunities to use a given opportunity for Sustainable Development policy to become a pioneer of these changes in the context of global climate inequalities. The project and the technology described in it are ready for production and for the implementation in Polish economy and other economies around the world. First of all, it meets the expectations of the participants of the last Climate Summit, where it was decided to take full responsibility for Environment and Climate on Earth. This has become a contribution to making a milestone in this direction that is right for us and expected by all countries. Thanks to this, Environmental and Climate Protection becomes more possible than ever before. The global implementation of technologies in the waste sectors will undoubtedly improve Environmental Protection, the quality of our lives, the lives of future generations and will initiate the restoration of respect for Earth and Climate.
The use of energy potential from coal and its chemical compounds is related to the emission of many harmful substances into the atmosphere and the environment. Humanity is just beginning to enter the hydrogen age as a commonly used fuel. The use of this medium is not associated with any emission because hydrogen itself has the features of a renewable energy source. Currently, the production of hydrogen is still expensive and technologically complex but it looks completely different if hydrogen is formed as a by-product in the process of waste decomposition into the smallest particles of industrial and biological origin occurring in temperatures from 1400 to 2000 degrees Celsius in which there are no longer any chemical compounds. At this temperature, the organic waste matter is in the form of a mixture of hot atoms forming a stream of high-temperature gas.
The chemical instability of the pyrolytic gas results in the fact that the combustion in the aggregate or in the heating burners leaves dangerous compounds that are released into the environment directly or through the exhaust systems of the power generators - that is why these installations are waste installations that pollute the environment to a greater or lesser extent by emitting toxic compounds in the form of dioxins and furans, which cause the phenomenon of acid rain.
In the technology presented to you for the destruction of waste, the final products of the process are: Synthetically pure gas - hydrogen obtained during the reaction, stabilized is used in the hydrogen cell becoming a hydrogen fuel, which is converted into electric and thermal energy with high energy efficiency. Vitrification rock free of heavy metals and toxins defined by analysis (according to the code of waste, losing the qualities of waste and acquisition of product properties) can be used successfully, for example, in the construction industry.
Energy potential in natural resources
Stabilization of syn-gas in the process of matter decay
Although no one can go back in time and change the beginning to a completely different one, everyone can start creating a completely new ending today
Carl Bard
►presence of high-toxic slags and fly ashes
►the need to use expensive technologies that clean up the fumes
►presence of toxic fumes containing dioxins and furans
►the need to store waste from processes in hazardous waste landfills, which cause toxic fumes
( N.E.T Solutions )
The N.E.T. Solutions project with the use of innovative technology is in line with the current needs of the market and waste management policy. Requirements that we are already able to meet, expectations that we can already fulfil have brought us to the moment when the application of the discussed technology is a way of meeting the needs of the niche that was created by civilization. That is why it is necessary to immediately develop this area not only for financial profitability but above all in order to meet the expectations of global institutions in the field of environmental and climate protection and also for all of us who make use of it, leaving behind a clean and friendly environment. Time, however, works against us and that is why the goal of N.E.T. Solutions is to lead to the construction of the most modern NON-WASTE INSTALLATION in Poland and around the world for utilization of municipal waste, sewage sludge, toxic ash, heavy metals, mining sludge, medical waste, and receive electric energy in the form of a byproduct, reconditioned rock and colored metals separated from it.
Research and observations have shown that in certain limit temperatures and in a specifically induced chemical environment in our installation, the processed organic matter occurs in the form of diatomic simple chemical compounds containing mainly carbon dioxide and hydrogen molecules, while ceramic elements are in the molten state. Under these conditions, the waste utilization process is carried out in an environmentally-friendly manner and in accordance with the nomenclature of the word. The technology used, unlike the current combustion methods, does not consume oxygen from the air, because it is the result of the molecular decay of the factors contained in municipal waste with hydrated sewage sludge (applies to any matter). This eliminates NOx emissions practically to zero because the process does not involve nitrogen from the air, but only nitrogen from the contents of sewage sludge.
The technologies known to us for thermal treatment of waste have the same disadvantage. They cannot effectively deal with post-process waste such as toxic fly ash, slag and chimney emissions in the form of toxic fumes containing Dioxins and Furans. Waste improperly transformed by the thermal method brings worse results for the Environment and Climate as their storage. The discussed technology on the basis of which the world's first innovative, chimneyless and waste-free installation was constructed, which is the only one to eliminate all the disadvantages of the methods known to us, which are:
presence of high-toxic slags and fly ashes
the need to use expensive technologies that clean up the fumes
presence of toxic fumes containing dioxins and furans
the need to store waste from processes in hazardous waste landfills, which cause toxic fumes
The phenomenon of this technology is obtaining energy not only from organic substances contained in municipal waste and sewage sludge but also from water contained in them. The decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen and, above all, its stabilization makes the technology the most energy-efficient among currently known and used methods. Destruction of matter - sewage sludge, toxic ash, heavy metals, mining mud, medical waste, expired war gases, effective reduction of materials irradiated in Poland, Europe and around the world.
„Although no one can go back in time and change the beginning to a completely different one, everyone can start creating a completely new ending today”
Carl Bard
Climate change is the beginning of armed conflicts focused on maintaining control over areas rich in resources such as clean water, healthy food, clean air. The correct policy that guarantees peace in the region is effective when the community experiences stability and access to the wealth of the region. Water becomes increasingly such a wealth. The lack of it has a direct impact on the destabilization of a given region, it intensifies social stratification which gives rise to the igniting of conflicts between people and manifests social differences in various aspects of life, and powerlessness increases frustration. Even a skilful policy that guarantees peace in the region is powerless in the face of environmental negligence. Unfortunately, humanity and lack of consistency have led to the fact that the arrogance of the natural environment has deepened over the years and the lack of any cooperation with it has led all of humanity to the end of the path we are taking. We are responsible for all that. It is us that mindlessly support a reckless policy, we accept companies that rob the environment and poison us with our own consent. It is time to say “Check.” Climate consequences at which glaciers melt, the largest freshwater resources disappear and the waters flowing to the oceans have a huge impact on their chemistry and on the orbit of the earth. However, the scientific world is silent. How long are we going to let fool ourselves? Through underestimated parameters of harmful substances in the environment.
We know everything about climate - but do we? SAHEL region - the region of drought - Migration - Conflict Zone. All this in the agricultural area, which shrinks, which further accelerates the divisions. There are rebellions, which make life difficult for ordinary people. For example, the ECO-System of the CZAD lake has 30 million inhabitants. The surface area of Lake CZAD has shrunk by over 85% in recent years. In South Africa, there is less and less rainfall, which causes an increase in destabilization. This is what rich countries use, and this means that we are on the straight road to Colonialism. Fertile and mineral-rich soils are a good morsel for countries with strong economies, which are most guilty for the fact that such regions are becoming more and more poor. Now, with such an economy, they become owners of lucrative areas because they prefer instability in Africa than self-instability. There are many such regions in the world that are ripped from their riches, often for food of dubious quality. Water and food is the greatest wealth. But when we leave the problems of these people and entire impoverished regions to themselves, the result will be shocking. Unable to cope with these problems, people will behave like their ancestors thinking about mass migration, which can give a new world order as it has already happened in our history. Talking about the great migration of peoples.
Rising waters and more frequent droughts are the sources of conflicts, it influences destabilization in various regions which we are already observing. Lack of food and water, as well as intensifying conflicts, cause a further trend of migration to the north of Europe. Desperate people fall prey to ISIS. Fooled by promises for a better life they accept their conditions. ISIS uses it for its own purposes, which have a strategy to control water because then they can control the entire region. Any such Crisis can affect many economies and become fuel for political gains. Due to climatic and environmental changes, poorer countries will become unpredictable. Social hardships, destabilization and conflicts with neighbours will affect social unrest in various parts of the world. Climate changes are already perceived on an unprecedented scale. They affect the world's markets with poorer resources. Because of drought or flood, they destabilize import markets because of the high prices imposed by rich countries. Such policy caused chaos that resulted in the Arab Spring movement. We have not seen the reasons for several generations - but this is the past. Today, pollution of the environment and climate, which has a huge impact on economies and financial markets, causes reasons for many conflicts. The Maya dynasty did not fall victim to an armed attack, it fell because of the climatic changes that took place at the time, exerting a huge impact on the entire region.
Highly industrialized countries, which are responsible for the over-exploitation of minerals, have contributed to the warming of Climate and will suffer at the end. Some scenarios envisage the migration of entire nations which, as a result, will lose their identity. Here, there may be another conflict on the cultural and religious ground. The notions of the Economic Refugee or War Refugee are widely known, but the name of Climate Refugee, which combines both these phenomena, is not common. Culturally, it can be a very dangerous phenomenon. Today we have the chance to heal the schemas drawn up by the specialists and when going against Environmental Protection, we will prove our responsibility, which was taken at the climate summit in Paris. The poverty of regions in Africa and South America forces people to clear rainforests responsible for the climate. “This is a plunder of our heritage,” is being shouted by ecologists, while the governments do not give these people anything in return. Institutions establish National Parks and enclaves while the natives are left with unfulfilled promises. This is one of the reasons for frustration, which contributes to the decision to migrate to other regions of their country, and other regions of the world causing a religious and cultural problem with which now Europe has to deal, catching up with its political neglect, lasting throughout the decades of the 20th century. There is no time for such half-measures. Now, this process should be reversed as soon as possible.
Non-linear thinking becomes unpredictable because linear thinking has become too conservative. The rate of accumulation of problems has become greater than the rate of solving them. The countries with weapons of mass destruction enter into the dispute more and more intensively. All it takes is a small outburst of chaos and a conflict can become a global affair for all of us. It was our civilization that caused the problems, taken by Governments with a grain of salt. Reversal of this process may be the most difficult in the history of mankind because we are responsible for the environmental poisoning. By poisoning it, we influence our Climate. Now we have to do everything to seek a radical reduction of pollution by repairing the omissions. Energy Independence is the dream of every country. But now it is the only chance to implement alternative sources of energy. Today we have many installations for obtaining energy on the market, but we must make the best choice, one that is outstripping outdated technologies, we must choose an alternative with high energy efficiency working in Cogeneration. We must use the technologies that are already available and which we present here, which can successfully dispose of what our civilization has created and thus give hope for a better future for future generations because we have a long process of returning respect for EARTH, which is our duty to fulfil. In the face of pollution and environmental destruction caused by ill-considered human activity, we owe it to the EARTH because it is our home ...
Less and less clean air, less and less uncontaminated land, less clean water causes an increase in social discontent. We already have ready solutions to change this. Now we can realistically, using the knowledge about environmental protection and threats, effectively destroy what has been created by civilization. Waste, toxic emissions, dumps reaching several floors, we have gathered too much of these resources. Effective and waste-free destruction of the residual matter will give us a chance to improve the quality and cleanliness of the environment and the quality of life, thus preventing the build-up of climate problems that we have mentioned here. Healing the economies of highly developed countries, which have contributed the most to climate change, causing neglect in the over-exploitation of other countries left to themselves, without access to technology and only selling them goods made of hardly destructive matter, should demonstrate that they understand their mistakes and changes for the better will be more real than ever before, and maybe it is us today whose purpose is to begin to reverse the process of degradation of the environment and climate on earth, changing today's thinking of humanity - for the next generations.
" Those who have more to lose do the least to prevent it "
We present an innovative method of destroying all kinds of organic waste, municipal waste, sewage and hazardous waste, such as: outdated pesticides used for plant protection, paints, varnishes, solvents, resins, lyes, post-production toxins contained in mine silts, expired drugs, post-hospital waste, military waste such as war gases lying in storage or sunken on the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Nature has made available to us the original commonly available energy carriers such as coal and hydrogen Currently, our civilization is still living in the coal age. In the scale of the whole world, over 90% of energy is produced from carbon and derivatives available today for humans.
Energy potential in natural resources
The use of energy potential from coal and its chemical compounds is related to the emission of many harmful substances into the atmosphere and the environment. Humanity is just beginning to enter the hydrogen age as a commonly used fuel. The use of this medium is not associated with any emission because hydrogen itself has the features of a renewable energy source. Currently, the production of hydrogen is still expensive and technologically complex but it looks completely different if hydrogen is formed as a by-product in the process of waste decomposition into the smallest particles of industrial and biological origin occurring in temperatures from 1400 to 2000 degrees Celsius in which there are no longer any chemical compounds. At this temperature, the organic waste matter is in the form of a mixture of hot atoms forming a stream of high-temperature gas.
Synthesis of pure gas from the process of matter decay
The process presented to you is not a combustion process and is fundamentally different from it, because in the combustion process the most important are: the heating value and the ignition temperature of the fuel (load) the combustion temperature of the batch is naturally determined in a natural way. In the installation described here, the heating value of the transformed waste material nor the temperature of its ignition play any role because we decide on the desired process temperature and then this process is carried out. By adding external factors, such as water, we change the chemistry of the process, which is not possible in the combustion processes, plasma torches or in pyrolysis, where it is not possible to acquire a homogeneous and chemically stable gas because the temperature or the process itself does not create the conditions to achieve this.
Stabilization of syn-gas in the process of matter decay
The chemical instability of the pyrolytic gas results in the fact that the combustion in the aggregate or in the heating burners leaves dangerous compounds that are released into the environment directly or through the exhaust systems of the power generators - that is why these installations are waste installations that pollute the environment to a greater or lesser extent by emitting toxic compounds in the form of dioxins and furans, which cause the phenomenon of acid rain.
In the technology presented to you for the destruction of waste, the final products of the process are: Synthetically pure gas - hydrogen obtained during the reaction, stabilized is used in the hydrogen cell becoming a hydrogen fuel, which is converted into electric and thermal energy with high energy efficiency. Vitrification rock free of heavy metals and toxins defined by analysis (according to the code of waste, losing the qualities of waste and acquisition of product properties) can be used successfully, for example, in the construction industry.
For climate protection and the consequences of its warming, declarations were adopted in the EU and countries around the world, during the energy summit, the decision on climate and energy packages, which impose the need to switch energy production to low CO2 emission technologies. In the current situation, particular emphasis is put on the use of all available technologies with a parallel increase in the level of energy security and reduction of pollutant emissions during production, while maintaining economic efficiency.
Presented to you is the world's first waste-free and chimneyless technology for the destruction of all hazardous and toxic waste, sewage sludge, mine waste in the form of process silts along with the possibility of separation and recovery of precious metals contained therein. This technology primarily eliminates all the defects that occur in other, known to us processes of thermal waste transformation. The technology used in the N.E.T. Solutions project in which we present the implementation method and its use for transforming any matter or its significant reduction in the irradiated waste and process waste are ready for use on an industrial scale. Energy security of Poland, Europe and other countries in the world with comparable resources of minerals and other energy carriers requires ensuring the supply of appropriate energy supplies at reasonable prices while maintaining environmental protection requirements.
Unfortunately, these often used technologies are outdated and do not meet the expectations and level of emissions and energy security. The technology described and proposed by us can undoubtedly be included in the segment of emission-free technology, meeting the requirements of Sustainable Development, adopted at the Climate Summit in Paris, which allows us to effectively compete on all markets, as there is no equivalent which would effectively and safely for the environment utilize all harmful matter coming from ill-considered human activity with the use of Nano-technology, interfering in the breakdown of the structure of matter at the level of individual molecules. With regard to the previous climate summit, countries like Poland are now facing huge challenges and opportunities to use a given opportunity for Sustainable Development policy to become a pioneer of these changes in the context of global climate inequalities. The project and the technology described in it are ready for production and for the implementation in Polish economy and other economies around the world. First of all, it meets the expectations of the participants of the last Climate Summit, where it was decided to take full responsibility for Environment and Climate on Earth. This has become a contribution to making a milestone in this direction that is right for us and expected by all countries. Thanks to this, Environmental and Climate Protection becomes more possible than ever before. The global implementation of technologies in the waste sectors will undoubtedly improve Environmental Protection, the quality of our lives, the lives of future generations and will initiate the restoration of respect for Earth and Climate.
For climate protection and the consequences of its warming, declarations were adopted in the EU and countries around the world, during the energy summit, the decision on climate and energy packages, which impose the need to switch energy production to low CO2 emission technologies. In the current situation, particular emphasis is put on the use of all available technologies with a parallel increase in the level of energy security and reduction of pollutant emissions during production, while maintaining economic efficiency.
Wasteless utilization of hazardous and toxic structures of matter
Destruction of toxic matter in nanotechnology
For climate protection and the consequences of its warming, declarations were adopted in the EU and countries around the world, during the energy summit, the decision on climate and energy packages, which impose the need to switch energy production to low CO2 emission technologies. In the current situation, particular emphasis is put on the use of all available technologies with a parallel increase in the level of energy security and reduction of pollutant emissions during production, while maintaining economic efficiency.
Unfortunately, these often used technologies are outdated and do not meet the expectations and level of emissions and energy security. The technology described and proposed by us can undoubtedly be included in the segment of emission-free technology, meeting the requirements of Sustainable Development, adopted at the Climate Summit in Paris, which allows us to effectively compete on all markets, as there is no equivalent which would effectively and safely for the environment utilize all harmful matter coming from ill-considered human activity with the use of Nano-technology, interfering in the breakdown of the structure of matter at the level of individual molecules. With regard to the previous climate summit, countries like Poland are now facing huge challenges and opportunities to use a given opportunity for Sustainable Development policy to become a pioneer of these changes in the context of global climate inequalities. The project and the technology described in it are ready for production and for the implementation in Polish economy and other economies around the world. First of all, it meets the expectations of the participants of the last Climate Summit, where it was decided to take full responsibility for Environment and Climate on Earth. This has become a contribution to making a milestone in this direction that is right for us and expected by all countries. Thanks to this, Environmental and Climate Protection becomes more possible than ever before. The global implementation of technologies in the waste sectors will undoubtedly improve Environmental Protection, the quality of our lives, the lives of future generations and will initiate the restoration of respect for Earth and Climate.
No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.
Albert Einstein
128,000 - 220,000 tonnes per hour of waste produced in the world
Contact address:
Marszałkowska street 84/92/117; 00-514 Warsaw